Rotate log files daily in Go
in: Go Cookbook
If you log to a file, it’s a good idea to rotate logs. That way they won’t become too large.
After rotation you can backup them up to online storage or delete them.
Rotating daily has a good balance of how often to rotate vs. how large the log file can become.
You can write logs to stdout and use external program, like logrotate, to do the rotation.
I prefer the simplicity of handling that in my own code and Go’s io.Writer interface makes it easy to implement a re-usable file ration code.
I did just that in package dailyrotate (documentation).
Here’s basic use:
import (

var (
    rotatedFile *dailyrotate.File

// called when file is closed. If didRotate is true, it was closed due to rotation
// at UTC midnight. Otherwise it was closed due to regular Close()
func onCloseHappened(path string, didRotate bool) {
    fmt.Printf("we just closed a file '%s', didRotate: %v\n", path, didRotate)
    if !didRotate {
    // we block writes until this returns so expensive processing should be done in
    // background goroutine
    go func() {
        // here you can implement things like:
        // - compressing rotated file
        // - deleting old files to free up disk space
        // - upload rotated file to backblaze/google storage/s3 for backup
        // - analyze the content of the file

func initRotatedFileMust() {
    pathFormat := filepath.Join("dir", "2006-01-02.log")
    w, err := dailyrotate.NewFile(pathFormat, onCloseHappened)

func logString(s string) error {
    _, err = io.WriteString(rotatedFile, s)
    return err

func shutdownLogging() {
Here’s a real-life example of processing rotated file:
dailyrotate.File is io.Writer and safe to use from multiple goroutines.
In addition to Write(d []byte) it also implements a Write2(d []byte, flush bool) (string, int64, int, error). It has 2 improvements over Write:

Other real-world uses

Rotation is not limited to log files. I use it as part of poor-man’s web server analytics system.
I log info about web requests to dailyrotate.File using my siser simple serialization format.
When a file is rotated, I compress it, upload to backblaze for backup and delete local files older than 7 days to free up space.
I also calculate basic daily statistics and e-mail a summary to myself.
I know, I could just use Google Analytics, and I do. My little system has advantages: * it tells me about missing pages (404). That alerts me if break something or if others link incorrectly to my website. Knowing bad links, I can add re-directs for them * by getting daily summaries via e-mail, I keep an eye on things with minimal effort
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