Using MySQL in Docker for local testing In Go
part of Go Cookbook
Imagine you’re writing a web application that uses MySQL. You deploy on Linux but code and test on Mac.
What is a good way to setup MySQL database for local developement and testing on Mac?
You can install MySQL on Mac using official MySQL installer or via Homebrew but my favorite way is to use docker.
Docker better isolates MySQL from the rest of the system, which has a couple of advantages:
There is a downside to using Docker:
Doing this manually would be annoying and I like to automate so I wrote re-usable bit of Go code to do that.
It’s just a matter of running docker commands and parsing their outputs but it’s difficult enough to worth sharing the complete solution.
Conceptually, what we do is:
MySQL database is stored in a local directory mounted by the container. That way data persists even if the container is stopped.
The code is re-usable. You can customize it by changing:
It can be adapted for other databases, like PostgreSQL.
We should only start docker when running locally. In my software I use cmd-line flag -production to distinguish between running in production and locally.
In production I would use the hard-coded host/ip of MySQL server. Locally I would call startLocalDockerDbMust() go get them.
const (
    dockerStatusExited  = "exited"
    dockerStatusRunning = "running"

var (
    // using
    // to use the latest mysql, use mysql:8
    dockerImageName = "mysql:5.6"
    // name must be unique across containers runing on this computer
    dockerContainerName = "mysql-db-multi"
    // where mysql stores databases. Must be on local disk so that
    // database outlives the container
    dockerDbDir = "~/data/db-multi"
    // 3306 is standard MySQL port, I use a unique port to be able
    // to run multiple mysql instances for different projects
    dockerDbLocalPort = "7200"

type containerInfo struct {
    id       string
    name     string
    mappings string
    status   string

func quoteIfNeeded(s string) string {
    if strings.Contains(s, " ") || strings.Contains(s, "\"") {
        s = strings.Replace(s, `"`, `\"`, -1)
        return `"` + s + `"`
    return s

func cmdString(cmd *exec.Cmd) string {
    n := len(cmd.Args)
    a := make([]string, n, n)
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        a[i] = quoteIfNeeded(cmd.Args[i])
    return strings.Join(a, " ")

func runCmdWithLogging(cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
    cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
    cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    return cmd.Run()

func decodeContainerStaus(status string) string {
    // convert "Exited (0) 2 days ago" into statusExited
    if strings.HasPrefix(status, "Exited") {
        return dockerStatusExited
    // convert "Up <time>" into statusRunning
    if strings.HasPrefix(status, "Up ") {
        return dockerStatusRunning
    return strings.ToLower(status)

// given:
// return (, 7200) or None if doesn't match
func decodeIPPortMust(mappings string) (string, string) {
    parts := strings.Split(mappings, "->")
    panicIf(len(parts) != 2, "invalid mappings string: '%s'", mappings)
    parts = strings.Split(parts[0], ":")
    panicIf(len(parts) != 2, "invalid mappints string: '%s'", mappings)
    return parts[0], parts[1]

func dockerContainerInfoMust(containerName string) *containerInfo {
    cmd := exec.Command("docker", "ps", "-a", "--format", "{{.ID}}|{{.Status}}|{{.Ports}}|{{.Names}}")
    outBytes, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
    panicIfErr(err, "cmd.CombinedOutput() for '%s' failed with %s", cmdString(cmd), err)
    s := string(outBytes)
    // this returns a line like:
    // 6c5a934e00fb|Exited (0) 3 months ago|>3306/tcp|mysql-db-multi
    s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
    lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
    for _, line := range lines {
        parts := strings.Split(line, "|")
        panicIf(len(parts) != 4, "Unexpected output from docker ps:\n%s\n. Expected 4 parts, got %d (%v)\n", line, len(parts), parts)
        id, status, mappings, name := parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]
        if containerName == name {
            return &containerInfo{
                id:       id,
                status:   decodeContainerStaus(status),
                mappings: mappings,
                name:     name,
    return nil

// returns host and port on which database accepts connection
func startLocalDockerDbMust() (string, string) {
    // docker must be running
    cmd := exec.Command("docker", "ps")
    err := cmd.Run()
    panicIfErr(err, "docker must be running! Error: %s", err)
    // ensure directory for database files exists
    dbDir := expandTildeInPath(dockerDbDir)
    err = os.MkdirAll(dbDir, 0755)
    panicIfErr(err, "failed to create dir '%s'. Error: %s", err)
    info := dockerContainerInfoMust(dockerContainerName)
    if info != nil && info.status == dockerStatusRunning {
        return decodeIPPortMust(info.mappings)
    // start or resume container
    if info == nil {
        // start new container
        volumeMapping := dockerDbDir + "s:/var/lib/mysql"
        dockerPortMapping := dockerDbLocalPort + ":3306"
        cmd = exec.Command("docker", "run", "-d", "--name"+dockerContainerName, "-p", dockerPortMapping, "-v", volumeMapping, "-e", "MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes", "-e", "MYSQL_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO=yes", dockerImageName)
    } else {
        // start stopped container
        cmd = exec.Command("docker", "start",

    // wait max 8 seconds for the container to start
    for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
        info := dockerContainerInfoMust(dockerContainerName)
        if info != nil && info.status == dockerStatusRunning {
            return decodeIPPortMust(info.mappings)

    panicIf(true, "docker container '%s' didn't start in time", dockerContainerName)
    return "", ""
Code for this chapter:
Jul 9 2017

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