Advanced markdown processing in Go

Using gomarkdown/markdown library

This article describes an advanced markdown processing in Go using gomarkdown/markdown library.
All the code examples are available at https://github.com/gomarkdown/markdown/tree/master/examples

Basics first

Here’s a good start for markdown => HTML conversion:
func mdToHTML(md []byte) []byte {
	// create markdown parser with extensions
	extensions := parser.CommonExtensions | parser.AutoHeadingIDs | parser.NoEmptyLineBeforeBlock
	p := parser.NewWithExtensions(extensions)
	doc := p.Parse(md)

	// create HTML renderer with extensions
	htmlFlags := html.CommonFlags | html.HrefTargetBlank
	opts := html.RendererOptions{Flags: htmlFlags}
	renderer := html.NewRenderer(opts)

	return markdown.Render(doc, renderer)
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Basic markdown syntax is very limited and there are many extensions that provide additional feature, like tables.
HTML render is customizable as well.
Here we create markdown parser and HTML renderer with common flags plus some extensions.
Here are all available options for parser and HTML renderer:

Advanced processing

Markdown to HTML processing works like this:
There are options for even more control:


You need to understand AST tree. Start by skimming https://github.com/gomarkdown/markdown/blob/master/ast/node.go.
ast.Node is an interface so you can create your own nodes as long as you implement the interface.
The are two types of nodes:
We have ast.Leaf and ast.Container to make it easy to implement custom nodes:
type MyCustomLeafNode struct {
  // .. additional data for this node

type MyCustomContainerNode struct {
  // .. additional data for this node
To render your custom node ast.Node to HTML you provide a render hook function that will be structured like this:
func myRenderHook(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, bool) {
  // you must render custom nodes because html.Renderer doesn't understand them
  if leafNode, ok := node.(*MyCustomLeafNode); ok {
    renderMyLeafNode(w, lefNode, entering)
    return ast.GoToNext, true

  if containerNode, ok := node.(*MyCustomContainerNode); ok {
    renderMyContainerNode(w, containerNode, entering)
    return ast.GoToNext, true

  // you can also over-ride rendering of some specific nodes that html.Renderer would render
  if image, ok := node.(*ast.Image); ok {
    renderImage(w, image, entering)
    return ast.GoToNext, true

  // return false to tell html.Renderer to use default render
  return ast.GoToNext, false
You should always return ast.GoToNext.
You return true to indicate that you’ve rendered the node. Returning false tells html.Renderer to use default rendering.
For container nodes we typically need to render something before rendering children and after rendering children.
That’s why we need entering argument. The simplest rendering of *ast.Paragraph would be:
func myRenderParagraph(w io.Writer, p *ast.Paragraph, entering bool) {
  if entering {
    io.WriteString(w, "<p>")
  } else {
    io.WriteString(w, "</p>")
html.Renderer takes care of recursively rendering children.
For ast.Leaf nodes you only render on entering:
func myHr(w io.Writer, p *ast.HorizontalRule, entering bool) {
  if entering {
    io.WriteString(w, "<hr/>")
Skim render.go to see how different nodes are rendered to HTML.

Customizing HTML renderer

To re-use most of html.Renderer but only over-ride rendering of a few nodes, you can provide a render hook.
Here’s an example of a simple hook that renders <div>{children}</div> instead of <p>{children}</p> for a *ast.Paragraph node.
// an actual rendering of Paragraph is more complicated
func renderParagraph(w io.Writer, p *ast.Paragraph, entering bool) {
  if entering {
    io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
  } else {
    io.WriteString(w, "</div>")

func myRenderHook(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, bool) {
  if para, ok := node.(*ast.Paragraph); ok {
    renderParagraph(w, para, entering)
    return ast.GoToNext, true
  return ast.GoToNext, false

func newCustomizedRender() *html.Renderer {
  opts := html.RendererOptions{
    RenderNodeHook: myRenderHook,
  return html.NewRenderer(opts)
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If a render hook needs access to more information than io.Writer and ast.Node, we can capture it in a closure:
import (

type renderData struct {
  // ... data needed for render hook function

func makeRenderHook(data *renderData)  html.RenderNodeFunc {
  return myRenderHook(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, bool) {
    // has access to data

func newCustomizedRender() *html.Renderer {
  data := &renderData{}
  opts := html.RendererOptions{
    RenderNodeHook: makeRenderHook(data),
  return html.NewRenderer(opts)

Modify ast tree

The structure of the code would be:
func modifyAst(root ast.Node) ast.Node {
  // ... tweak AST tree as needed
  return root

var mds = `[link](http://example.com)`

func modifyAstExample() {
	md := []byte(mds)

	extensions := parser.CommonExtensions
	p := parser.NewWithExtensions(extensions)
	doc := p.Parse(md)

	doc = modifyAst(doc)

	htmlFlags := html.CommonFlags
	opts := html.RendererOptions{Flags: htmlFlags}
	renderer := html.NewRenderer(opts)
	html := markdown.Render(doc, renderer)

	fmt.Printf("-- Markdown:\n%s\n\n--- HTML:\n%s\n", md, html)
You can re-arrange the tree: add, remove, rearrange nodes or add / remove information from nodes.
Working with trees is tricky so you’ll probably use ast.Print(io.Writer, ast.Node) to pretty-print and understand AST tree, both before and after making changes.
I won’t cover changing the structure of the tree but here’s an example that adds target="_blank" attribute to link (<a>) nodes that go outside of my website and adds custom blog-img class to all image (<img>) nodes.
func modifyAst(doc ast.Node) ast.Node {
	ast.WalkFunc(doc, func(node ast.Node, entering bool) ast.WalkStatus {
		if img, ok := node.(*ast.Image); ok && entering {
			attr := img.Attribute
			if attr == nil {
				attr = &ast.Attribute{}
			// TODO: might be duplicate
			attr.Classes = append(attr.Classes, []byte("blog-img"))
			img.Attribute = attr

		if link, ok := node.(*ast.Link); ok && entering {
			isExternalURI := func(uri string) bool {
				return (strings.HasPrefix(uri, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(uri, "http://")) && !strings.Contains(uri, "blog.kowalczyk.info")
			if isExternalURI(string(link.Destination)) {
				link.AdditionalAttributes = append(link.AdditionalAttributes, `target="_blank"`)

		return ast.GoToNext
	return doc
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Important parts:
type Attribute struct {
	ID      []byte
	Classes [][]byte
	Attrs   map[string][]byte

Custom markdown parser, custom ast.Node

You can also extend parser to recognize additional syntax, not present in markdown.
Here’s an example of a parser extension that recognizes the following:

Rest of document.
A gallery is a list of image urls. In generated HTML this will be a show as an image gallery.
First define a custom leaf node type:
type Gallery struct {
	ImageURLS []string
Then customize parser with a block parsing hook function which gets first dibs at parsing block text.
Block means: it only gets called at the beginning of each text block. Text blocks are separated by newlines.
It’s not possible to do custom inline text parsing.
If parser hook function recognizes its custom syntax, it returns ast.Node it generated (Gallery in this case), number of bytes consumed and inner content to be recursively parsed and inserted as children of ast.Container node.
Number of bytes consumed allows parser to skip the part parsed by your custom hook.
func parserHook(data []byte) (ast.Node, []byte, int) {
	if node, d, n := parseGallery(data); node != nil {
		return node, d, n
	return nil, nil, 0

func newMarkdownParser() *parser.Parser {
	extensions := parser.CommonExtensions
	p := parser.NewWithExtensions(extensions)
	p.Opts.ParserHook = parserHook
	return p
Here’s the parser for :gallery syntax.
If current text starts with :gallery\n we expect a list of urls followed by an empty line.
var gallery = []byte(":gallery\n")

func parseGallery(data []byte) (ast.Node, []byte, int) {
	if !bytes.HasPrefix(data, gallery) {
		return nil, nil, 0
	i := len(gallery)
  // find empty line that ends the block
  // TODO: should also consider end of document
	end := bytes.Index(data[i:], []byte("\n\n"))
	if end < 0 {
		return nil, data, 0
	end = end + i
	// split into lines, each line is an image URL
	lines := string(data[i:end])
	parts := strings.Split(lines, "\n")
	res := &Gallery{
		ImageURLS: parts,
	return res, nil, end
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I will not cover how it gets rendered as HTML because it’s a very custom solution with lots of HTML obscuring the big picture.

Syntax highlighting

Code blocks are much better with syntax highlighting.
We can use github.com/alecthomas/chroma library to generate HTML with syntax highlighting for many languages.
We hook it up to HTML renderer with render hook function like described above.
import (

	mdhtml "github.com/gomarkdown/markdown/html"


var (
	htmlFormatter  *html.Formatter
	highlightStyle *chroma.Style

func init() {
	htmlFormatter = html.New(html.WithClasses(true), html.TabWidth(2))
	if htmlFormatter == nil {
		panic("couldn't create html formatter")
	styleName := "monokailight"
	highlightStyle = styles.Get(styleName)
	if highlightStyle == nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("didn't find style '%s'", styleName))

// based on https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/blob/master/quick/quick.go
func htmlHighlight(w io.Writer, source, lang, defaultLang string) error {
	if lang == "" {
		lang = defaultLang
	l := lexers.Get(lang)
	if l == nil {
		l = lexers.Analyse(source)
	if l == nil {
		l = lexers.Fallback
	l = chroma.Coalesce(l)

	it, err := l.Tokenise(nil, source)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return htmlFormatter.Format(w, highlightStyle, it)

// an actual rendering of Paragraph is more complicated
func renderCode(w io.Writer, codeBlock *ast.CodeBlock, entering bool) {
	defaultLang := ""
	lang := string(codeBlock.Info)
	htmlHighlight(w, string(codeBlock.Literal), lang, defaultLang)

func myRenderHook(w io.Writer, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, bool) {
	if code, ok := node.(*ast.CodeBlock); ok {
		renderCode(w, code, entering)
		return ast.GoToNext, true
	return ast.GoToNext, false
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You’ll have to include chroma CSS as HTML generation marks up nodes with chroma CSS classes.

Pre-process markdown before parsing

Imagine you want to add ability to include markdown files.
You can build a parser extension that e.g. recognizes this syntax:
@include "foo/bar.md"
It’ll get complicated if you want to add more advanced functionality, like loops, variables etc.
But template/text library already implement such features.
You can pre-process markdown with one of the many templating Go libraries before sending it to the parser.
go programming
Mar 11 2023

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Using gomarkdown/markdown library
Basics first
Advanced processing
Customizing HTML renderer
Modify ast tree
Custom markdown parser, custom ast.Node
Syntax highlighting
Pre-process markdown before parsing