Day 2: displaying list of files
part of Diary of a solo dev building a web app
Jun 10, 2022
This is a dev diary of implementing Filerion, a web-based file manager for online storage (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, s3 and more).
Yesterday the file display could only display a flat list of files.
Real filesystem are nested so I started on a file system abstraction:
In the UI, I’ve implemented:
Here’s the current UI for showing files
I then implemented a selector for picking a file system:
Then I implemented Open Local Folder option using file system access API in browsers.
Added directory navigation icons from https://icon-sets.iconify.design/bi/bookmark-star-fill/:
Only up button is functional.
And all that while watching season 2 of The Flight Attendant.
Jul 10 2022

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